
Showing posts from September, 2016

Areas of Knowledge & Ways of Knowing // Personal & Shared Knowledge

In the past few classes, we have been thought lots of new content on the TOK subject. TOK stands for Theory Of Knowledge and makes you question everything in life. It is an overwhelming, confusing yet fun topic to learn about. TOK Class #1 There are many ways of knowing, which all combine as The Areas Of Knowledge. The 7 ways of knowing should help us answer whether or not what we know is certain. What do we know? And how exactly do we know this is true? The 7 areas of knowing are reason, language, perception, memory, emotion, imagination, and faith. These factors are all connected to the different Areas Of Knowledge, which are: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Ethics, The Arts, Human Sciences, and History. This leads to the question ''How do we influence knowledge?'' Part of our knowledge is based on who we are, meaning our mind and bodies. However, knowledge and the way of gaining it will continue to change over time, as we evolve over time. As for now, we learn thi