Scientific Method

Observation, reason and experiments combine to form The Scientific Method. As said in an earlier blog post, the scientific method is required in order to learn about the world. When completing an experiment, it needs to be repeated many times in order to see if the results match the hypothesis and to what extent. Scientist have the tendency to show the opposite of a theory, which is called falsification. This is because the scientists who came up with these theories no longer exist and were never part of the ordinary people. Also, a lot has changed over time such as the rapid growth in technology. It is important to go back and see if such theories were actually correct, as lots of the scientists used their imagination. Even thought theories exist for a long period of time, it doesn't secure anything. 

The following video is a ted talk we watched in class, which will hopefully allow you to further understand the scientific method: 

1st Claim:
An example of a first claim is as followed: "Observation, reason, and experiment make up what we call the scientific method."

2nd Claim:
The truth behind experiments and observation is relatively accurate as many scientists were applying the theory while doing the discovery. 


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