The meaning of words -feminism

What is the role of language in creating and reinforcing social distinctions, such as class and gender?
Words are powerful tools and language can be used to express your ideas and/or views in a powerful manner. This is what feminists continue to do when it comes down to reinforcing social distinctions. It includes body language, which can be affect every aspect of our life. Language is often considered to be the deciding factor when individuals from different regions of the world come together. The language we use is most commonly the representation of our thoughts, perspectives, and feelings based on the situation we are dealing with. This use of language could automatically determine our view on ethnicity, class and gender. Basically, language is the base for our social distinctions. Without language, concepts will merge and there will not be any social distinctions. In daily life we utilise thousands of languages. The nuances are as a guide for our reactions due to how interpret different situations. Class, gender and ethnicity are all factors that take part when it comes down to determine the lever of distinctive use of language. Without this, words and language categorise ideals of society, structure would distort, and once again social distinction would disappear from our memories. 
"Born with a golden spoon" 
-One has been born in good conditions and should be blessed to live such a lifestyle.


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