For this presentation, Oday, Mohamed, and I joined together to form a group. We started off by researching several topics and real life situations. It was quite hard to decide on our idea as it would influence our future actions, or in this case presentation. After thinking of several ideas, we finally decided to go with "stem cell research" because it was an interesting and ongoing scenario. We then had to look for a real life situation and we found several ones. We chose to talk about the conventional protests in Denmark regarding the restrictions of embryonic stem cell research/development. The next step was to decide on which two Ways of Knowing and one Area of Knowing we were going to use that were appropriate for our topic stem cell research. After researching and looking further into the topic, we came to the conclusion to use reason and emotion as our Ways of Knowing and ethics as our Area of Knowing. Afterwards, we were asked to create a knowledge question. Each of us came up with several ideas/options that related to some of the ideas we wanted to discuss. Finally, when we combined them all we were able to create a perfect question allowing us to divide our presentation into different parts.

To what extent do emotion and reason influence our judgement of what is ethically justified?

We followed the presentation outline that was posted on ManageBac in order to guide us and make sure we were organised. Each person was assigned to do two parts each. I was assigned to introduce the first counterclaim and answer the knowledge question. The information used for the counterclaim was surprising. I never knew that our emotion had such great impact on our actions and our moral beliefs. I felt quite confident presenting but in the future I should read less and present fluently.  I will practice presenting in the future as well as think of who I want to work with. Overall, I think that my knowledge of TOK concepts has helped me create this logical and organised presentation. Our group as a whole did good although some information did not cut to the point. I do think that for the presentation we gave, our results could have been higher, but I know now what to work on for next time.  


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