Emotions. 2

Is it possible to experience an emotion, a feeling, an attitude or sensibility that cannot be expressed in language? Can an emotion, such as love or grief, have its origins in, or be shaped by language?
I believe that concepts such as emotion and feelings can not always be expressed in language. For example, the phrase ''I am too happy for words to explain...'', can become valid in this context. It is impossible that everything can be categorised or defined. Language allows us to communicate with one another as well as define things. Emotions and feelings are obviously different for each individual. Often times, there are occasions in which it is possible to experience an emotion without being able to express it through language. Emotions are felt from within oneself, and feelings can not be put into words. It tends to be difficult when trying to find the correct words when speaking out about emotions or your personal feelings. For example, from personal experience, you can have a strong feeling or emotion about something that is playing inside your head. Sometimes, it is difficult to find the exact words to describe what it is that you're feeling, and at the same time it needs to be said in appropriate context. I do not think that emotions are shaped by our language, but rather shaped by our surroundings and what our sense perceptions perceive. What we see or what we hear leads to the emotions and feelings we feel. On the other hand, our emotions can be origins from language. Language allows us to understand the deeper meaning of an emotion, as well as reinforce the idea idea of that emotion. Language is important as it shapes and voices the sensation that emotions trigger, otherwise, emotions would be abstract concepts in our heads.

Can there be 'correct; or 'appropriate' emotional responses? Is it 'correct to be horrified by accounts of torture?
When looking at real life situations, there is no such thing as 'correct' or 'incorrect' emotions. Anything can be correct and incorrect at the same time, and this differs for everyone. Additionally, since everyone is externally and internally different, we are never able to say that we feel the same way as someone else, but many people tend to do this by saying that they ''know how you feel". Even though we all have said this at one point in our lives, it is wrong/incorrect. Moreover, someone's feelings may differ from another as we all interpret actions differently. There is no way of 'explaining' how we feel because we might not even know ourselves. We tend to use a limited amount of words when describing our feelings.

What is Love?
To me, love is related to a romantic feeling. It is a feeling that does not come and go, instead, love stays and will only arouse by one person through the good and bad. I think that if you do not commit to someone, love will not exist. People who do actually commit with love in relationships are more likely to get through the rough times because we do not want to let go of this person. We all have our own beliefs about love, which prevents us from making intelligent decisions when it comes to love. These are often called love myths. 


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