Language & Communication

Are other systems of communication language?
I believe that people consider any form of a communication systems as a language. In fact, I believe a language can be thought of as a system of communication that uses symbols to convey deep meaning. Symbols can be words, images, body language, sounds, etc. The deaf people use sign language to communicate with one another. Each and every person has the ability to create its own system of communication, whether this purely includes sounds, secret words, or images. The letters used to form our formal written and spoken language can be considered as symbols, which are now considered a form of a communication system. 

Is body language actually a language?
I do believe that body language can be considered as a real form of language communication. In fact, statistics state that 93% percent of all daily communication is nonverbal. It is the physical behaviour, as opposed to words, that is used to express feelings. Such behaviour includes facial expressions, gestures, eye movement, body posture, as well as touch and the use of spa. It is anything someone does, to which someone else assigns meaning. Body language can be consciously sent and unconsciously received. Anyone can easily but carefully practice and display it. However, without control, it can let you down by revealing your true beliefs or behaviours. The facial expressions, body contact, and the tone of your voice send clear messages.

What about music or math? Computer code?
For some math might be considered a language. The equations are written from left to right, just like we read and write our sentences. However, I don't think math tells a story at all. It is a logical concept and the common emotions it brings out are anger and frustration. Math is something that is already there. It is only the name itself that people can discover. Secondly, every human culture has music. It is true that music is a universal feature of the human experience. Music is a wide form of language. People are able to express their feelings, emotions and thought into their music, and at the same time they might inspire or influence others. 

What distinguishes language from a more general idea of communication?
In my opinion there are no single unique things about human language - that all of its parts exist in other communication systems, or other aspects of human perception. Human language is unique in how it puts all these different things together and the fact that it is able to do this. 


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