Sense Perception

During today's class we were thought to reflect on our understanding and use of sense and perception and begin to consider its limitations. Since perception is the active, selective, and interpretative process of recording or becoming conscious about the external world through sense experience, our experiences should be examined and critically evaluated. Perception can be powerful and we often forget about the reality of it. Our senses are our primary sector of interacting with the world. Long before we have even learnt about language, and how to control emotions, we are able to make use of our senses, or about how our senses actually work. There are five sense: 1. sight  2. hearing  3. taste  4. smell  5. touch. Our senses allow us to understand and process the information around us. For example, when you place your hand in hot water, your brain will process the information of the heat in which you describe the sensation you feel as being 'hot'. However our senses also come with some disadvantages or even limitations. Our senses can be easily fooled, easily influenced by our knowledge and past experiences and are limited to only specific types of stimuli that our brain can process for us to acknowledge and believe it exists.


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