
"An emotion is a complex psychological state that involves three distinct components: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioural or expressive response." (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2007) 

People often tend to use the terms 'emotion' and 'mood' interchangeably, but there certainly are differences between the two. An emotion is usually short-lived and can be very intense, and are caused by definite situations. For example, after disagreeing with a friend on something, you might feel angry but you will most likely only feel this way for a short period of time. However, a mood is usually much more 'mild' than an emotion, but it tends to be longer-lasting. Also, it can be difficult to identify what has actually caused the mood to occur. For example, you might find yourself feeling sad for a few days in a row without having any reason why. 

Primary emotions
In order for us to understand what emotions exactly are, researchers also made the attempt to identify and classify the different types of emotions. A psychologist named Paul Eckman came up with the theory that there are six basic primary emotions that remain constant throughout all human cultures. These emotions are fear, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness, and sadness. He has expanded this list by including a number of other emotions such as embarrassment, excitement, contempt, shame, pride, satisfaction and amusement in 1999. 

Can you differentiate between emotions and feelings?
'Emotions' and 'feelings' are again terms that are often times used interchangeably, and again there are differences between the two of them. When understanding the difference it allows us to help change unhealthy behaviour in order to find peace or happiness in your life. As said before, emotions are usually short-lived and can be very intense, and are caused by definite situations. In fact, emotional reactions are proven to be universally similar across all humans and even other species. For example, when we are happy we smile, when dogs are happy they wag their tail. Feelings are physiological sensations that we experience and develop along the mid-line. Our feelings originate in the neocortical regions of the brain. Feelings can be looked upon as reactions to emotions. A feeling is the mental portrayal of what is going on in your body when you have an emotion. Feelings are almost the 'next step' after having an emotion; it involves cognitive input which cannot be measured precisely. Examples of feelings are: butterflies in the stomach, tension in the neck, or any other sensation. it is a communication coming from the body to the mind. 


Can you recognise these emotions on the faces below?
Yes, the first face shown seems to be fear. The expression in her eyes as well as the movement of her mouth implies the feeling of fear. The second face seems to be surprised due to her eyes and mouth wide open. In the third face she is smiling which shows that the girl is expressing the emotion of happiness. The next face seems to express the emotion of anger due to her strong facial expression in which her moth is closed and the look in her eyes. The fifth face shows the expression of disgust wheres the last face expresses sadness.

Are your emotions innate or rather a product of the knowledge community you belong to? 
Our emotions are product of the knowledge community we belong to, which is determined by the community you are born in. For example, in some communities, if a child performs in a way that is wrong, the parents might clarify this by making the child feel ashamed. You can almost say this was the emotional response you have towards something. In most situations, people use logic to evaluate their decision but with emotions you are actually using feelings. You have an emotional attachment towards your family, therefore, then a child acts 'wrong' or does something their parents disapprove on, they tend to become more emotional than if it were to be a teacher correcting the child. 

How do other ways of knowing influence your emotions and vice versa? 
Faith is one of the WOK that have influence towards our emotions. When we want to trust someone, or have faith in someone, we must have emotional attachment in order to do so. For example, you would have faith in your parents throughout your whole life because they mean a lot to you and they will always be part of your life. This shows that your emotions will be stronger towards someone if you have faith in them. Secondly, memory also has an influence on our emotions. Memories bring back the emotions we experienced in the past. For example, on special birthdays or events like weddings you are more likely to make memories. The people who are close to the family will automatically express their emotions of happiness. These emotions will then stay in our minds as memories. 

In your culture, is it ok to show your emotion?
Yes, it is highly appreciated if we do, so that if needed, we can receive the help needed to feel better. Also, if expressing happiness, the people around us tend to enjoy this and live it with us. The people in my culture are very open-minded and will not judge you or disapprove on the way we act or feel. We freely express our emotions allowing us to create many amazing memories.

James-Lange Theory
The James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events. According to this theory, witnessing an external stimulus leads to a physiological response. Your emotional reaction depends on upon how you interpret those physical reactions. For example, if you were to walk through a dark parking garage towards your car and notice a dark figure trailing behind you and your heart begins to race, the James-Lange theory states that you then interpret your physical reactions to the stimulus as fear. Therefore, you feel frightened and rush to your car as quickly as you can. 


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